Menstrual hygiene management (MHM) refers to the specific hygiene and health requirements of girls and women during menstruation, such as the knowledge, information, materials, and facilities needed to manage menstruation effectively and privately.
A sanitary napkin vending machine is a stand-alone system for automated and uninterrupted access to sanitary pads. One can access feminine pads 24x7 with a single button press in the nearest ladies-washroom. We call our sanitary napkin vending machine, the HER Machine.
The menstruation knowledge and hygiene practices in Pakistan have not been very promising. 22% of total population of Pakistan constitutes school-going girls in the age bracket 10-19 years, implying that most of them have started menstruating. 79% do not have access to the required facilities to manage their menstrual cycle hygienically whether it is access to proper products, or access to proper sanitation.
Technology can’t stay behind in empowering the women across all areas in Pakistan. Making sanitary napkins readily available, destigmatizing the social taboos revolving around menstruation, and the need for changing the status quo in Pakistan is inevitable. The profound idea of “self-service” is a worldwide practice maintaining privacy, dignity, and facility. This idea opened the doors to the introduction of a vending machine for sanitary napkins which will ensure easy, private, and affordable access to comfortable hygienic products.
Women bleed 65 days a year. The menstrual hygiene practices have been contagious, particularly in Pakistan. Several infectious diseases are highly probable, of which urinary tract infections, anemia, and fever are most common. The HER Machine not only aims to relive the hope of “befriending during menstruation” but also normalize the best hygiene practices all over Pakistan.
HER Machine is an ideal friend for public-cum-closed spaces like campuses and offices. The sophisticated design of the machine provides unattended and private self-service without any interruption and is to be installed in the ladies’ washrooms. The super-simple and convenient design of the machine appeals to the organizations and institutions to deploy more and more machines at various sites.